Lot of 5 programs with Werner Egk conducting:
- Stadtische Oper Berlin - 17.12.1948 Egk : Circe, Opera in 3 Acts, Cond: Werner Egk Coreographie: Jens Keith - With: Karina Kutz, Hans Beirer, Elfriede Hingst, Elisabeth Hufnagel, Georg Gerhardt, Josef Greindl etc. Program, 8 pages, 15 x 20 cm with photo of Werner Egk
- Stadtische Oper Berlin 8.10.1949 Egk : Abraxas (Faustballet), Cond: Werner Egk Gabor Orban, Borge Vermeer, Irene Salomon, Janine Charrat, Margo Ufer, Lilo Herbeth etc. Program, 8 pages, 15 x 20 cm with photo of Werner Egk
- Bayerische Staatoper Nationaltheater Munchen - 12.11.1966 Egk : Die Zaubergeige, Oper in 3 Akten von Werner Egk, Cond: Werner Egk With: Grumbach, Schadle, Peter, Michels, Lenz, Proebst, Bohme, Gruber, etc. Program, 22x 24 cm, 42 pages and inlay of 8 pages, storage holes.
- Vienna, 20-21. March 1971 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Werner Egk , Soloist: Ludwig Streicher Werner Egk: French Suite (1949) , Johann B. Vanhal: Contrabas Concerto (first performance) Haydn: Symphony Nr 98, Werner Egk: 2nd Sonata for orchestra (1969) (first performance) Program, 21 x 15 cm, 16 pages, written note on cover, good condition, with storage holes.
- Vienna, Nov 23rd 1964 Volksoper, full program performance of Die Zaubergeige conducted by the composer, first Vienna Performance, see scan for full cast. Excellent condition.