Met Opera on European Tour 1910 – Signed Sheet! March 31 2015
In 1910, the Metropolitan Opera from New York went on their first tour to a foreign country. The chosen destination was Paris. Many of the Met Opera stars and crew members boarded in May 1910, the "Norddeutscher Lloyd", a ship from a German cruise company. This was a trip across the Atlantic that would take nearly 2 weeks, arriving on time for the Paris engagement (from May 21, 1910, through June 25, 1910).
We know the tour was extremely successful for the Met Opera and was remembered for many years by both Parisians and artists.
We have found a fantastic document created during their trip to Europe, a page with the ship´s letterhead, signed by the Captain A.O. Cüppers and some of the Met Opera stars traveling on that cruise!
The sheet is dated May 14th, 1910, exactly a week after the last Met Opera performance on tour in Atlanta, which took place on May 7th, which means their departure took place within those days. Most likely, this sheet was signed in a night when the Met stars were having dinner with the ship´s captain.
Signatures include some superstars, such as singers Enrico Caruso, Emmy Destinn, Geraldine Farrar, Olive Fremstad, Johanna Gadski, Antonio Scotti, Louise Homer, Riccardo Martin, Andrés de Segurola, Otto Goritz, Pasquale Amato and others, and conductor Alfred Hertz.
- Grand Opera: The Story of the Met by Charles and Mirella Affron (Book Review)
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